May de 2021

Hernán Salvador Goyanes García

Public Accountant from the University of Buenos Aires. MBA from the University of California (UCLA), United States. Hernán Goyanes joined the Multiexport Foods S.A. group as an advisor. in 2005, and since 2006 he has been a director. After obtaining his master’s degree, he began his consulting career at McKinsey & Co in Madrid and, […]

Hernán Salvador Goyanes García

Public Accountant from the University of Buenos Aires. MBA from the University of California (UCLA), United States.

Hernán Goyanes joined the Multiexport Foods S.A. group as an advisor. in 2005, and since 2006 he has been a director. After obtaining his master’s degree, he began his consulting career at McKinsey & Co in Madrid and, later, in Buenos Aires. Later, in 1995, he co-founded Hermes Management Consulting, a firm that since then has developed a wide range of projects both in Argentina and Chile, specializing in strategic consulting for Senior Management.